The US 2.4 Meter is an international racing sailboat popular with disabled sailors because all the sheets and sail trimming can be done from the seated position inside the cockpit. Tropical Web Works provides limited pro bono services (as time is available) to worthy groups and causes, and the cause of disabled sailing is one such cause. I worked for Shriners Hospitals for Children for over 15 years, and there’s a special place in my heart for people with physical disablities who find ways to get out there and live their lives.
This site uses the handy WordPress TablePress plugin to list members. The membership list can be sorted and searched. Members who haven’t yet renewed their membership can be “hidden” from view on the public side, while in the backend their information is still there and can be unhidden as soon as they pay their dues for the current year. Important notices (such as membership renewal and upcoming sailing regattas) are shown on the home page, above the most recent blog postings.
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