AdWord Express — not to be confused with Google’s AdWords Express — sent me a spam the other day touting their “exclusive top placement” service to put my site at the top of “ALL MAJOR SEARCH ENGINES.” They actually guarantee that my site will appear above all other sites on every search engine for my […]
...Keep reading »Links, Google and Advertising
One of my clients (who has a very successful and busy site) recently asked me about selling text links on his site. He had been approached by someone (apparently a link broker) who was wanting to place a collection of links in the footer, sitewide. My client was asking me about format and location, but […]
...Keep reading »NetBiz sez: “Get onto the first page of Google….”
Just in the past few days I’ve responded to several e-mails from clients asking my advice regarding e-mails that they’ve received from NetBiz. Here’s my take on NetBiz: I’m not a fan of NetBiz. They’re not necessarily a scam, but they do seem to be at least somewhat misleading in how they represent themselves.
...Keep reading »Minor SEO Changes, Major SEO Effect on a Minor Site
It’s very satisfying to spend a great deal of time developing a new site from scratch for a client, taking pains to ensure that the site is search-engine friendly, and then to see that site do well in the search engines after launch. But it’s also surprisingly satisfying to spend a few hours optimizing a […]
...Keep reading »No NoFollow, NoSnitching
The infamous Google spam czar Matt Cutts has fired another round at honest webmasters just trying to go about their daily work. In a recent blog post, He invited readers to report web sites buying or selling links that are not using the ridiculous nofollow tag on those links. Read: Google wants us to snitch […]
...Keep reading »Eight Tips Every AdWords Advertiser Should Know
1. Multiple Campaigns First thing: You want to create multiple campaigns, with each campaign focused around a particular product, category or topic. For example, you could create Campaign A for Product A, Campaign B for Product B, and so forth. But you might also benefit by creating a campaign about Hot New Feature in Product […]
...Keep reading »Do you own the #1 SERP for your domain name?
Many, many computer users use “search” exclusively as their primary means of navigation. What I mean by this is that a user, let’s call her Pam, wants to go to a particular web site that she knows of and is familiar with. Pamela knows the domain of the site. But instead of typing, say, […]
...Keep reading »The Infamous Canonical URL Issue
Difficult as it may be to believe, but by January of 2007, Google is still unable to recognize when URLs that obviously lead to the same page are in fact the same page. So what’s a URL, and what’s the problem here?
...Keep reading »Boxing the Sandbox
Is there a sandbox or is there not? Is the question purely one of semantics? Let’s see what Googler Matt Cutts actually had to say:
...Keep reading »Google Maps
Yesterday I sniped at Google with my No NoFollow post, but today I’m here to praise Google. The technology that powers Google Maps is so very cool, and the very best thing about it, in my opinion, is that Google lets us use that technology right on our very own web sites!
...Keep reading »No NoFollow
I just edited the files in my wordpress template to remove all traces of the rel=”nofollow” attribute from links in this blog. All links, including those in comments and signatures, are now your basic bog-standard “follow” links.
...Keep reading »Web Works
I was just browsing the referral keywords for my company’s site,, and I discovered that TWW shows up in Google at the #4 spot for a search on web works. Out of 683 million results. Just wow. I don’t imagine that phrase will bring much (if any!) paying work my way, but still…..
...Keep reading »