If I have the focused Firefox window on my secondary monitor, I can’t open a new window. I also can’t do anything that would normally result in a new window, such as “View Source” or see “HTTP Live Headers” or open Firebug in a new window.
I have to drag the window over to my primary monitor, get the new window launched, then drag the other window back over to the second monitor.
Firefox, I love ya, but you gotta do windows better!
With the new major release dev cycle, i’m pretty sure this has been cleared up with Firefox 7:
I like Firefox too and in windows xp its seems to work very well.
I`m sorry you have this problem. Hopefully they will fix this bug.
Just like Sonja, I love Firefox over the other browsers choices, but I do get a little crazy over 1 little bug… when click on a link to open a URL in a new tab, if that URL no longer exists my whole browser freezes up momentarily, even if I try to close the tab. However, the benefits of Firebox outweigh this minor annoyance that I patiently await to see fixed in one of the not too distant future releases.
I upgraded one of my Firefox installations to the 9.0 beta release. It can now open new windows on my secondary monitor (yay!) — but there’s another bug that is present in all of my Firefox versions: I can’t use the image uploader in WordPress to upload images. I have to use Safari or Opera or some other browser to upload images, because Firefox crashes on that. Regardless of whether I’m using their fancy-schmancy new Flash uploader or the old-style browser uploader.
A little late to the party!
I solved this by opening an new tab in the secondary monitor and dragging it to the primary monitor. Still a pain in the a**.
My Firefox versions: I can’t use the image uploader in WordPress to upload images. I have to use Safari or Opera or some other browser to upload images, because Firefox crashes on that.
Hey, are you guys using the new Firefox 11? Do you see improvements in the memory issue? I heard that they finally started to work on these things. I mean it is the biggest downside to Firefox. Even with super fast computer, if you use Firefox for a long time (half a day) it starts to lag. I am closing it once in a while so this does not happens.